Our mission: to make sure you are part of the
very best on the web.

 — Featured project — Featured project
Featured project
 — Featured project — Featured project
Launch — E-commerce

A brand new online store for C’est Beau.
Visit website. Read our case study.

Ongoing projects

PAC New project

Pointe-à-Callière Museum

Pointe-à-Callière Museum

Pointe-à-Callière Museum has chosen Deux Huit Huit for it's new e-commerce website. The platform will be launched in 2016.

New website



We are currently working with gsmprjct ° to redesign their website. Their new platform will be launched in the coming months.

Branding and e-Commerce Platform

Anne-Marie Chagnon

Anne-Marie Chagnon

The Montreal based jewelery designer Anne-Marie Chagnon commissionned Deux Huit Huit for its new brand identity and e-Commerce platform (B2B and B2C). The project will be launched early 2016.

 — Drinksss.com — Drinksss.com — Drinksss.com — Drinksss.com

Self initiated project - Study

Web & design agency

from Montreal